Palestinian Websites
The Palestinian web is not a void. Palestinian businesses, startups, and tech innovators very rapidly took their ideas to the internet.
Find Palestinian websites and web-based solutions in our datasets mapping the .com burst in Palestine
Dataset features
Our datasets of Palestinian websites are rich with tags that divide them by content category and technologies used, you can find Palestinian news websites as easily as finding a Palestinian doctors’ directory website or university homepage.
- Website domain
- Website traffic estimates
- Website technologies
- Website classification
- Website domain registrar
- Website content tags
- Contact information
- Many more annotations

Websites categories
Find Palestinian websites and web-based solutions over a variety of categories
Find websites of Palestinian schools, universities, and education institutions
Our Palestinian websites dataset features listing, directory , and data aggregation websites
Quickly find the correct government institution website
Jobs & Vaancies
Advance your career search with the list of vacancies and job listing websites in our dataset
Social & Community
Join the Palestinian inner social circles and read local community news
Hospitals & Medical
Access the medical attention you need and find the proper doctor or health solution
+ and many more
Access the full dataset of our mapping of the Palestinian websites and digital landscape
What you'll get
Our datasets of Palestinian websites and web-based solutions are rich with tags that divide them by content category and topics.

Website category
Domain registrar
Estimated monthly visits
CMS technology
Website content category
Website industry
Use cases
Learn how to utilize and make use of the Palestinian websites and web-based solutions datasets
Get help from industry-relevant influencers to reach your desired audiences
Do not waste a dime with influencers that don't tap your market!
Accelerate your work with insights from relevant audiences with ease and accuracy
Put your messages out without fear of damaging your brand from reaching wrong segments
Utilize data to your benefit
Our Palestine-specific datasets and directories are guaranteed to get you a sharper and more accurate reach